200th VIP flight attendant training course in Switzerland

200th VIP flight attendant training course in Switzerland

200th VIP flight attendant training course in Switzerland- the centre of the European Business Aviation Industry- July 2019.

Switzerland, the centre of the European Business Aviation industry, home to far more business aviation companies than other country in Europe, is where Training Solutions, a leading VIP flight attendant training & recruitment company is based and where we conducted the 200th VIP flight attendant training, another milestone for us. Training Solutions, which specialises in the training and recruitment of future and existing VIP cabin crew, enjoys the benefit of being located in the best place possible for its business, as many of the big players in the business aviation industry are based in Geneva, Zurich and Basel. Conducting the 200th VIP cabin crew training in customer service excellence makes us proud and it displays the confidence that our business aviation clients have in us. All of our training courses are conducted by Dietmar Duller, the Founder and Course Leader of Training Solutions who has run his company successful in Switzerland since 2007, it also provides all training participants with one point of contact from the beginning to end. This enables Dietmar to establish relationships with the flight attendants and he then keeps in touch with them for many years to come.