Many Middle East airlines are known for their high level of service, discretion and professionalism, so Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Doha and Manama are great places for your men and woman who wish to become flight attendants, explore the world, get to know different cultures and experience a different lifestyle. After spending some years working in the Middle East, many want to return to their home country, which is when they contact us, as they would like to progress in their careers, through working on private jets. Our monthly VIP cabin crew training in customer service excellence, which is held in Geneva, Switzerland, has been running successfully since 2007 and has welcomed hundreds of commercial cabin crew, since then. Amongst their particular interests are topics which they never had to deal with when working on commercial jets, such as: preparing the private jet before the clients arrive, organising catering for clients from different cultures, standard operating procedures on private jets, and food and wine service on private jets as well as getting a deeper understanding of the business aviation industry: the terms and conditions of working on business jets and the main business aviation companies. Most training participants come to us because a friend has recommended us to them. This recommendation and the fact that we care and help all of our training participants with their CV, upon finishing the training course when they apply for jobs, and that we keep in touch with them afterwards, clearly shows why we have been so successful since 2007.