Many VIP cabin crew who work in the Middle East would like to return to Europe in order to be closer to their family and friends, to utilize their apartment and to have a different lifestyle again. European business aviation companies are clearly very attractive to many VIP cabin crew who have experience working in the Middle East but the standards in Europe are much higher and are very different. Culinary knowledge and skills, coupled with a certain wine knowledge, are needed by cabin crew who wish to work on private jets in Europe. Since 2007, Training Solutions has welcomed VIP cabin crew who both currently work or have worked in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Jordan, Oman and Kuwait. These VIP cabin crew are mainly interested in catering guidelines, menu creations for European, Russian and other clients, standard operating procedures when working alone on a private jet and the latest trends in the private jet sector. Many of these cabin crew members are particularly interested in learning and developing their knowledge, skills and confidence needed to serve wine and Champagne as, due to religious restrictions regarding alcohol, they haven’ t had the opportunity to do so.